List of Grocery Stores and Gas Stations in Iceland

Exploring Iceland in a camper van offers ultimate freedom, but staying stocked on fuel and groceries is essential. Our guide covers everything you need to know, from locations to FAQs, ensuring a smooth journey.

A Map of Grocery stores and Gas stations in Iceland

This map shows you all the grocery stores and gas stations around Iceland.

Grocery stores and Gas stations FAQ's

This map shows you all the grocery stores and gas stations around Iceland.

In Iceland, prices are very different depending on the area and the type of gas (Diesel or 95 Orktan). However, the website GSM bensin gives you the prices of every gas station in Iceland.

In Iceland, you can pay with credit cards in gas stations but only if you have a pin number, otherwise your card will be declined. If you don't have a pin number you can still pay at the cash register with an employee. However, there are not always employees in the gas stations and you might find yourself unable to pay and put gas in your camper.

We also suggest you to choose a specific amount when you put gas. Because if you choose to fill up completely it will take an important amount from your bank account and you will only be refunded during the next 30 days which can be inconvenient during a trip.

The main supermarkets in Iceland are :

-Bónus is the most popular grocery store and also known as the cheapest one in Iceland.

-Kronan, which is probably the second most popular, has a larger variety of products compared to Bónus but is a little more expensive.

-Netto, this one offers cheap groceries and everyday items.

-Hagkaup is definitely the biggest supermarket in Iceland, it sells everything you might need but at high prices.

In Iceland, you will have to put gas in your camper by yourself most of the time.

If you have never done this before don't worry it is very easy, you will just have to pay for the amount you choose. Then you select the gas corresponding to your camper. You open the fuel tank of your camper, take the lever and begin to fill in.