a man and a woman are sitting at a picnic table with a van in the background .
8 min read
James Taylor blog writer
James Taylor

Summer Campervan Adventures in Iceland: 10 Must-Know Tips

Summer is the prime time for a campervan rental in Iceland. The sun is (hopefully) shining, the days are long, and the temperatures begin to sneak up into the double digits. It’s also one of the busiest times for campervan travel in Iceland. To make sure you have an incredible trip, we’ve rounded up our 10 top tips for a summer campervan rental in Iceland.

Think Carefully About the Kind of Campervan You Want

Our first tip for your summer campervan rental in Iceland is to think long and hard about exactly the type of campervan you’ll need. Are you a bare-bones traveler looking to do the ring road on a budget? Then our Go Smart is for you. Are you looking for a bit more space or need to drive an automatic vehicle? Or perhaps you’re planning on traveling in the Icelandic Highlands? Go Campers has a wide range of campervans to suit your type of traveler and your chosen itinerary.

Your campervan can make or break your trip – so make sure you take some time to really think about what you need before pulling the trigger and beginning your adventure.

a woman is sitting in the back of a van holding a cup of coffee in iceland.

Decide on Your Itinerary Ahead of Time

Speaking of which, our next tip is to choose your itinerary ahead of time. The last thing you want to do is to pick up your campervan and be lost as to which direction you should head (although now that we think about it, that could be quite cool). But having at least a direction you want to head in, or a first sight lined up, can save you time and get you out into the countryside as quickly as possible.

To get you started, we’ve created a range of sample itineraries that you can use, ranging from shorter 3-day trips to longer more epic 2-week ideas. Browse these itineraries for some inspiration, look at the top attractions you might want to visit, and begin crafting your itinerary to make the most of your time in the country. There’s a lot to see and do.

Don’t Try to Squeeze in Too Much

But in saying that, you don’t want to try and squeeze too much into your campervan trip. We know that people have a limited amount of time in Iceland and want to make the most of it, but there’s so much to discover that if you try and pack in too much, you’ll end up rushing through a lot of the beautiful moments that a campervan trip in Iceland provides.

Instead, we recommend marking down a few of your must-see sights, sketching out a rough plan, and then taking it easy and being flexible. Some of the best moments of a campervan trip in Iceland come from the chance encounters, the downtime at a special campsite, and simply driving through the country. The last thing you want your trip to feel like is a rigidly scheduled tour of one sight to the next.

Make Sure You’ve Reserved All the Extra Gear You Need

If you’ve already booked your campervan with us, you may have reserved a few extras. If not, you can browse the list here and add them to your reservation beforehand. Over the years, we’ve made sure to offer anything and everything that we think might make your campervan trip around Iceland a better overall experience.

From camping chairs and tables to portable Wi-Fi units and larger barbecues, have a browse and let us know if there’s anything you’d like to take along with you – they can enhance your trip! Picture yourself grilling up a storm at a campsite while kicking back in a couple of camping chairs, taking in the view while other campers looking on in jealousy – sounds pretty good.

a woman is sitting at a picnic table cooking on a grill in iceland.

Download the Essential Apps for an Iceland Road Trip

Traveling in Iceland is so often about being remote, disconnected from others, and immersing yourself in nature. But when it’s time to jump back into the campervan and hit the road, it can pay off to have some of these essential apps downloaded onto your phone.

From the weather app to safety notifications while you’re travelling in Iceland, this is a list of helpful apps that can enhance your trip in your Icelandic campervan. If you don’t want to download the apps, you can also make use of the most useful Icelandic websites. Our top pick is, of course, Iceland’s Met Office with the weather forecast (this wouldn’t be an article about Iceland without mentioning the weather). Other useful sites include Safe Travel and the Icelandic Road Administration.

a safe travel app is shown next to a vegur app in iceland.

Make the Most of Iceland’s Midnight Sun

A great part about traveling in the summer is the nearly endless daylight. It makes exploring at night easy – a hike at midnight, a soak in a hot spring at 2 am, and watching the sunrise an hour later is what summer travel in Iceland is all about.

It’s also a great way to help you avoid the big crowds at Iceland’s most famous sights. Iceland receives a huge number of visitors each year, far more than the country’s modest population of 390,000 people. And, of course, summer is the most crowded time. But visiting after hours, when the tourist buses have returned to their home base, and the light is still shining, means you can have these attractions all to yourself. Well, almost – some likely other travelers have caught onto this easy trick for exploring Iceland in the summer.

a waterfall with a mountain in the background at sunset in iceland.

Pick and Choose a Few of the Best Icelandic Campsites

Due to the tightening of restrictions on wild camping back in 2015, it’s now necessary for campervans to stay overnight in campsites. Luckily for campervan travelers, you can’t go very far without stumbling into a campsite – there are plenty to choose from around the country.

However, not all campsites are equal. Another consideration is whether to buy the Icelandic Camping Card; we’ve crunched the numbers in this article to help you decide whether it’s worth buying for your campervan rental in Iceland.

Create Some Iceland Road Trip Playlists

An Icelandic road trip would not be complete without some classic road trip tunes. Our campervans have Bluetooth connections for phones, allowing you to play your music easily over the speakers. You can also rent a small JBL Bluetooth speaker from us in the office.

Classic road trip tunes, of course, serve you well on a campervan trip around Iceland, but you should also delve into the Icelandic music scene. From Sigur Ros and Bjork to Of Monsters and Men and Sigur Ros, there’s a wealth of music out there that’s inspired by the fantastic landscapes of Iceland. And with the weather spanning endless days of light and dark, winter nights, campervan trips are made even more special with the right kind of music.

Stay Social and Chat with Other Campers!

Our next tip for a campervan trip in Iceland is to stay social and talk with the other campers you meet along the way. Iceland is a popular country with travelers from around the world, and it’s always fun to meet others who have decided to undertake the same trip as you. You’ll meet travelers from everywhere, from Europe and the US to Australia and Asia.

The best part about chatting with other campers is sharing your experiences on the road. Others might have some advice and recommendations or may have even discovered a beautiful spot that is still a bit of a hidden gem. They can be game partners, drinking buddies, or firm friends with whom you’ll spend the rest of your trip.

a man and a woman are sitting in the back of a van in iceland.

Don’t Be Afraid to Be Spontaneous

Our last piece of advice for a campervan trip in Iceland is don’t be afraid to be spontaneous. If someone invites you to hike to a hot spring, why not? Or if a bout of bad weather forces you to change your plans, enjoy the adventure. Almost every corner of Iceland has something to discover, and some of your best days in the campervan will be the ones you decide to go off-script and strike out into the unknown.


Renting a campervan for a summer trip in Iceland allows you to explore at your own pace. Choose the right camper, plan a flexible route, and take advantage of the midnight sun to avoid crowds. Pack smart, download helpful apps, and pick good campsites along the way. Stay open to new experiences—some of the best moments come from unexpected detours and meeting other travelers. With some planning and a sense of adventure, your campervan trip in Iceland will be an unforgettable experience.

That’s all our tips for a fantastic summer campervan trip in Iceland. Ready to hit the road? Start your adventure today.